Have you ever heard of Moringa? Perhaps you’ve heard it by its better-known names like Ben Oil Tree or Drumstick. It is undoubtedly one of the best superfoods available and contains high amounts of nutrients that can help improve your health.

Moringa has:

  • 9 times more protein than yoghurt
  • 10 times more Vitamin A than carrots
  • 15 times more potassium than bananas
  • 17 times more calcium than milk
  • 50% more Vitamin C than oranges
  • 25 times more iron than spinach

Amazed already? Sit back and keep reading, there’s a whole lot more that you need to know about Moringa

Originally found in the foothills of the Himalayas, you can see the Moringa tree in other parts of the world in tropical, sub-tropical and semi-arid regions as well. Moringa has been used in Ayurveda for many years and is now gaining popularity for its mind-blowing benefits that will leave you surprised. 

Benefits of Moringa that you need to know:

  • Rich in vitamins and minerals
  • Rich in amino acids
  • Fights inflammation
  • Rich in antioxidants
  • Lowers blood sugar levels
  • Lowers cholesterol
  • Protects the liver
  • Protects against arsenic toxicity
  • Good for the stomach
  • Improves bone health
  • Helps in weight management
  • Good for skin and hair
  • Good for detoxification

Now that you know you need to incorporate Moringa into your diet, we’ll give you the breakdown on just how you can do so. 

Moringa has a green, earthy taste – similar to spinach or matcha green tea. The powder can be added to a green smoothie or tea. In India, moringa pods give sambar its unique flavour; dal or soup are other popular preparations. The leaves of this plant can be sautéed and served as a side dish with your rice and curry. And you can always rely on the good old Moringa capsules to get that boost. 

Wondering how much you can consume in a day? Experts recommend between half to one teaspoon per day.

One of moringa’s most untapped and unknown benefits lie in the realm of skincare. Moringa oil carries a high oleic acid content as well as a host of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. In fact, moringa oil is already used in a number of high-end cosmetics.  We at Aarohie Nutri-Food grow premium Moringa in our captive certified organic farms in Chhattisgarh. Businesses worldwide rely on our Moringa to make great health and wellness products for their customers.

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