Aarohie Nutri-food has been in the business of cultivating, processing and exporting herbs, spices & essential oils to companies worldwide.

Built on the industry experience of the founding team, we have acquired over 600 acres of captive organic farms and 1200 acres of conventional farms in Central and North East India.

We source straight from the farms, process the herbs and spices in our manufacturing plants and prepare them for it to be used easily in the creation of the final products.


With the world moving to natural and organic products, there is a need to ensure that top-quality raw materials and ingredients are being used to create these products. We at Aarohie Nutri-food strive to deliver just that. 

Our passion for herbs, spices and essential oils led us to build this brand and work towards hyper-growth to create a global footprint of high-quality ingredients amongst Pharmaceutical, Nutraceutical, Tea, Cosmetics, Food & Beverages, Aromatherapy and Tobacco companies.


We place a lot importance on up-levelling the lives of our farmers by dedicating a part of our revenue to their education while also constantly supporting their livelihoods through employment opportunities.

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