As the chilling wind blows, you realize the effect of winter and the winter spices you miss that does all the wonder to help you stay warm. After all, these saviours are must for this season and the delightful indulgence is unbeatable. There is more to keep your body warm beside wearing coats, hats, and boots. Your body can stay warm by eating some winter spices that does a miraculous effect on the body. So, here are four winter spices you must include in your regular diet in winters to stay warm and working.


GINGER: As the name ginger tea pops out, it creates a sensation in the cold chilling weather where all you want is a hot cuppa to stay soothing. A variety of foods help in keeping the body warm during the winter months, but the effect of ginger is far quicker. It adds a strong taste to everything. Not only does it help in keeping the body warm, but it also aids in boosting the immune system and digestive system. You can drink ginger in hot water or add it in salad dressings, soups, and vegetables. All you need to do is, experiment with it the way you want and keep your body warm. Ginger baths are warming, muscle relaxing and cold and flu relieving and can be made by simmering ginger in water at a low boil for twenty minutes, then straining into the bathtub.


TULSI: Tulsi is known to help relieve the symptoms of allergies, breathing problems and bronchitis. It is a potent antioxidant and is not just good for the respiratory system but also has anti-ageing properties. Chewing a few tulsi leaves with 2-3 black peppercorns and 1/2 a teaspoon honey is the best way to keep the body warm.


TURMERIC: Turmeric is primarily known for its anti-inflammatory action, specifically for joint and chronic pain conditions. It is also a great digestive herb that protects against ulcers. Curcumin, the main active constituent in turmeric, increases blood flow and strengthens cardiovascular function while supporting the liver and healthy detox processes. It has been shown that adding a small amount of black pepper along with turmeric significantly increases the absorption rate and the bioavailability of curcumin in the body. Add turmeric to soups, stews, Indian or Thai curries, chai, and golden milk.

Mulethi (Liquorice)

MULETHI:Mulethi or liquorice might be your saviour from a sore throat, but it can do so much more. According to a 2015 study published in the peer-reviewed journal Acta PharmaceuticaSinica B (APSB), mulethi features two chemical compounds that work as antiviral agents. This gives liquorice the power to stop the spread of viruses in the body.

Black Pepper

One of the most familiar thermogenic characteristics of black pepper is its diaphoretic quality, which means it promotes skin flush and perspiration thanks to the heat of its active ingredient, piperine. As well as its warming properties, piperine is known to have several beneficial health aspects. It may stimulate digestive enzymes and improve gastrointestinal functionality, and has antioxidant,antimicrobial, and anti-inflammatory properties as well. Pepper is easily added to a variety of foods in the form of dry rubs for meat, poultry, or fish, and it is a natural in marinades, gravies, sauces, and salad dressings. And of course, you can quickly add black pepper to any dish with a handsome pepper mill on the table.

Aarohie Nutri-food is a vertically integrated – farm to factory to market – company that specialises in herbs, spices, and essential oils! We export our top-quality spices to brands worldwide.

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