When many people think about nutrition all they can think of is the confusing information that comes with it, what may seem healthy today may be proven as unhealthy tomorrow! One rule of thumb to follow always is that whole foods, fruits and vegetables should always be picked over processed food. But does that mean that you need to leave processed foods out of your diet altogether? Read on to know more.

1. Make “real food” your best friend

What do we mean by real food? Foods like fruits, vegetables and whole grains that haven’t been overly processed. These foods will keep you healthy. By eating whole foods, you can avoid over-processed foods that are packed with sugar, sodium, carbohydrates and fats.

2. Carbs aren’t EVIL

There is a common misconception that carbs are evil especially propagated by the keto diet. The information out there about carbs can be confusing and sometimes quite overwhelming as well. When eating carbs, what is most important is the type of carbs that you are consuming because your body needs the carbs. Stick to getting your carbs from whole foods, fruits and vegetables, this is a source of healthy carbs instead of processed foods like breads and pastries which is a source of unhealthy carbs. 

3. The miracle of water

Up to 60% of the human adult body is water, making it an essential. Water is in every organ, tissue and cell in our body. It helps do several things – Regulates body temperature, protects your spinal cord, lubricates the joints and flushes out the toxins in our organs keeping them in great shape. With our busy lifestyles we all tend to forget to drink enough water. Here’s a reminder to drink some water now!

4. Who said that juices are healthy?

Processed fruit juices that you buy at the supermarket while may seem like a healthy option, they are not. More often than not these juices are loaded with high concentrated sugar making it very hard for the body the process it. A much healthier option is to drink 100% pure juice, the kind where you take a fruit and blend it up without adding anything else to it. The best option though is to just eat the food in its natural form. 

5. Bad nutrition can lead to chronic diseases

Globally, one in five deaths are associated with poor diet. People in almost every region of the world could benefit from rebalancing their diets to eat optimal amounts of various foods and nutrients, according to the Global Burden of Disease. diet filled with vegetables, fruits and whole grains could help prevent major conditions such as stroke, diabetes and heart disease.

On #NutritionMonth we have one key take away for you – Considering rebalancing your diet, educate yourself from the right sources of information, consult with a nutritionist and dietician and give your body the nutrients that it deserves.  We at Aarohie Nutri-food value nutrition and focus on creating the best quality herbal and organic ingredients for businesses worldwide.

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